Common Shrew - Sorex araneus
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
A half-eaten, dead [!], animal on my lawn. My wife had seen a cat occupied with... (more)
Otter at Wingham Wildlife Park
by Oast House Archive
for square TR2558
Category: Animals
Enjoying a snack.
Tortoise at Wingham Wildlife Park
by Oast House Archive
for square TR2558
Category: Animals
The little one was giving the big one a piggie back, so I overheard a mother... (more)
Lemurs at Wingham Wildlife Park
by Oast House Archive
for square TR2558
Category: Animals
Alpacas at Damgate, Staffordshire
by Paul Harrop
for square SK1253
Some of the rescued animals at the Dovedale Animal Sanctuary at Lower Damgate... (more)
Common Shrew - Sorex araneus
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
Common Shrew - Sorex araneus
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
Common Shrew - Sorex araneus
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
A Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) at Curraghs Wildlife park
by Richard Hoare
for square SC3694
A member of the camel family. Similar to the Llama and the Alpaca. They are all... (more)
Endangered animal fur and bone, Custom House
by David Hawgood
for square TQ3380
A display of CITES enforcement and illegally traded animal parts.
Roadside animals
by Alan Hughes
geograph for square SN9710
Animals grazing on grass verges near Blaen-cadlan-uchaf.
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO8075
Very nice view of these animals at this famous safari park. The camels are seen... (more)
Cows on Laundress Green
by Lauren
for square TL4458
by Mel hartshorn
for square SO2954
Small Breed Animals and Owl Collection Centre. Herefordshire.
Marks in the sand at Luskentyre
by M J Richardson
for square NG0897
Caused by the siphons of a bivalve mollusc, the Peppery Furrow Shell... (more)
Peafowl and Rabbits
by Oast House Archive
for square TQ4807
Category: Animals
Suri alpacas at Cornwall Alpaca Show
by Rob Farrow
for square SW9671
There are two breeds of alpaca, the ones seen here are Suri which represent... (more)
Huacaya alpacas at Cornwall Alpaca Show
by Rob Farrow
for square SW9671
There are two breeds of alpaca, the Huacaya - two of whom are seen here, and the... (more)
Animals Posing
by kevin higgins
geograph for square S3062
Farm animals posing for photo at Tincashel.
Who goes there?
by M J Richardson
for square NT5350
Obviously a regularly used route, but not sure by what - possibly hare, fox or... (more)
Stamford features [25]
by Michael Dibb
for square TF0207
A fearsome animal seen lurking in a tree on St Peter's Green.
Stamford is... (more)
Animals by Sellack Common
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO5627
Hereford cattle and horses can be seen from this view.
Giraffes, Yorkshire Wildlife Park
by Paul Harrop
for square SE6300
The 'Into Africa' area at the park... (more)
Resting Animals
by kevin higgins
geograph for square S4770
Resting farm animals in field at Toormore, about 3km E of Ballyragget. Unnamed... (more)
Binturong (Arctictis binturong) at Linton Zoo
by Tiger
for square TL5546
Also known as the bearcat (though its generic name means... (more)
Alpaca at Milton of Kilravock Farm
by valenta
geograph for square NH8350
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO8075
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO8075
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO8075
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO8075
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO8074
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO7974
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO7974
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO7974
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO7974
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO8075
Animals at West Midland Safari Park
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO8075
Badger belly up
by Neil Owen
for square ST5766
Alas, poor Brock! This unfortunate animal seems to have met an automotive end on... (more)
Wild Deer in the Bracken
by Andrew Tryon
for square NC1223
A wild deer in the bracken at Inveruplan, near Lochinver in the Scottish Highlands
Grey Squirrel
by David Pashley
for square TL7893
Sergei or Bogdan?
by Richard Hoare
for square SC3694
A Meerkat at the Curraghs Wildlife Park.
Is it Aleksandr or Oleg?
by Richard Hoare
for square SC3694
Meerkat at the Curraghs Wildlife Park.
A Mara at the Curraghs Wildlife park
by Richard Hoare
for square SC3694
The maras (Dolichotis) are a genus of the cavy family of rodents.
These large... (more)
Animals at Wynnes Farm (Hope-Under-Dinmore)
by Fabian Musto
geograph for square SO4951
Some llamas seen in the distance at Wynnes Farm.
Hebridean alpacas
by Tiger
for square NG1749
Alpacas in Glendale
by Tiger
geograph for square NG1749
These beasts have been at Lephin for several years. They are well adapted to... (more)
Jellyfish - Aurelia aurita on the beach
by M J Richardson
for square NF9890
Stranded on Tràigh na h-Uidhe. About 145mm diam., as calculated from the size of... (more)
Illegal crocodile, turtle etc products, Custom House
by David Hawgood
for square TQ3380
To be legal, crocodile skin products have to originate from captive-bred... (more)
Road killed Badger
by M J Richardson
for square NT4663
More pigs wallowing in mud
by Jonathan Billinger
for square SO6926
Animals in a swampy enclosure opposite Land's End Farm.