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Showing latest 50 of 1,047 images tagged with subject:Cathedral Interior tag.

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SJ3590 : Liverpool - Metropolitan Cathedral - Interior with blue light by Rob Farrow Liverpool - Metropolitan Cathedral - Interior with blue light by Rob Farrow
for square SJ3590
The interior of the circular Metropolitan Cathedral, the Roman Catholic... (more)
TL1998 : Interior, Peterborough Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs Interior, Peterborough Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs
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Looking east up the nave.
SU4829 : Winchester Cathedral - Wall paintings by Rob Farrow Winchester Cathedral - Wall paintings by Rob Farrow
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These are some of the fine wall paintings in the Holy Sepulchre Chapel at the... (more)
SU4829 : Winchester Cathedral - South Aisle by Rob Farrow Winchester Cathedral - South Aisle by Rob Farrow
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Looking eastwards (actually ESE) along the south aisle of Winchester cathedral... (more)
SU4829 : Winchester Cathedral - Quire leading to nave by Rob Farrow Winchester Cathedral - Quire leading to nave by Rob Farrow
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The fine vaulted ceiling of the nave of Winchester Cathedral soars above the... (more)
SP3379 : Interior, Coventry Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs Interior, Coventry Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SP3379
Looking "west". In the foreground is the memorial to Bishop Bardsley.... (more)
SP3379 : Interior, Coventry Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs Interior, Coventry Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs
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Facing liturgical east. Workers were setting up for a coming event.
SK9771 : Interior, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg Interior, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
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Looking east along the nave to the pulpitum and organ. North and south aisles... (more)
TL8564 : Interior, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg Interior, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds by Julian P Guffogg
for square TL8564
View east along the nave.
Tags: place:Bury St EdmundsX   Cathedral InteriorX   subject:Cathedral Interior   type:InsideX   top:Religious SitesX   cathedral:St EdmundsburyX  
TL8564 : Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View into the lantern tower of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral.
SK5804 : Interior, Leicester Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg Interior, Leicester Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
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SK9771 : Lincoln Cathedral, St Hugh's choir by Julian P Guffogg Lincoln Cathedral, St Hugh's choir by Julian P Guffogg
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Most of the stalls are Victorian but portions date from the 14th C. There are... (more)
NZ2742 : Inside Durham Cathedral by Gerald England Inside Durham Cathedral by Gerald England
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Inside the Grade I listed... (more)
TL8564 : Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral  by Philip Halling Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling
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The hammer beam roof above the nave of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral.
TL8564 : Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View from the choir towards the nave of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral.
ST5545 : Wells Cathedral  (22) by Chris' Buet Wells Cathedral (22) by Chris' Buet
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This photograph ST5545 : Wells Cathedral (16) shows another view of the interior of Wells Cathedral.
SK9771 : Pulpit, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg Pulpit, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
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Designed by G. G. Scott, installed in 1863/4.
TL1998 : Sanctuary, Peterborough Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs Sanctuary, Peterborough Cathedral by J.Hannan-Briggs
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The High Altar and ciborium can be seen in front of the apse windows.
SK9771 : North choir aisle, Lincoln Cathedral  by Julian P Guffogg North choir aisle, Lincoln Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
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Looking east from the pulpitum. The end window contains medieval glass SK9771 : Medieval Stained Glass, Lincoln Cathedral
SU8504 : The Quire, Chichester Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg The Quire, Chichester Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
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The fabric dates from the 12th C, the stalls have 14th C. misericords. The tall... (more)
TL7006 : Interior, Chelmsford Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg Interior, Chelmsford Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
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SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral  (34) by Chris' Buet Lichfield Cathedral (34) by Chris' Buet
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The above photograph shows an area of the cathedral floor. This photograph... (more)
SO5139 : Interior of Hereford Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Hereford Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View of the nave of Hereford Cathedral viewed from behind the altar below the crossing.
TL8564 : Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View along the nave of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral. The cathedral is Grade I... (more)
TL8564 : Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling
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TL8564 : Bury St Edmunds - Cathedral crossing and tower interior by Rob Farrow Bury St Edmunds - Cathedral crossing and tower interior by Rob Farrow
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The crossing of TL8564 : Bury St Edmunds - Cathedral Church of St James & St Edmund is where the north and south transepts meet the... (more)
SP5105 : Interior of Christ Church Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Christ Church Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View along the nave of Christ Church Cathedral.
SP3379 : Interior of Coventry Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Coventry Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View to the altar and tapestry of Christ by Graham Sutherland from the nave of... (more)
TQ3280 : The nave of Southwark Cathedral by Philip Halling The nave of Southwark Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View from the choir along the nave of Southward Cathedral.
SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral  (33) by Chris' Buet Lichfield Cathedral (33) by Chris' Buet
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This photograph SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral (25) shows another view of the cathedral interior.
SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral  (31) by Chris' Buet Lichfield Cathedral (31) by Chris' Buet
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This photograph SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral (10) shows another view of the interior of the cathedral.
SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral  (30) by Chris' Buet Lichfield Cathedral (30) by Chris' Buet
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This photograph SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral (17) shows another view of the interior of this Cathedral.
SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral  (29) by Chris' Buet Lichfield Cathedral (29) by Chris' Buet
for square SK1109
This photograph SK1109 : Lichfield Cathedral (21) shows another view of the interior of the Cathedral.
NT2573 : Inside St Giles' Cathedral by Lauren Inside St Giles' Cathedral by Lauren
for square NT2573
Tags: building type:CathedralX   subject:CathedralX   CathedralX   subject:Cathedral Interior   Cathedral InteriorX   top:City, Town CentreX   place:EdinburghX   EdinburghX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   type:InsideX  
N1375 : Longford - St Mel's Cathedral; Interior by Colin Park Longford - St Mel's Cathedral; Interior by Colin Park
for square N1375
The Cathedral Church of St Mel is the cathedral church of the Diocese of Ardagh... (more)
ST5545 : The Nave, Wells Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg The Nave, Wells Cathedral by Julian P Guffogg
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TQ3280 : Southwark Cathedral by Philip Halling Southwark Cathedral by Philip Halling
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The High Altar and Choir of Southwark Cathedral.
SO5139 : Interior of Hereford Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Hereford Cathedral by Philip Halling
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The crossing and choir of Hereford Cathedral.
SO8554 : Interior of Worcester Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Worcester Cathedral by Philip Halling
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The south ambulatory of Worcester Cathedral.
ST5545 : Wells Cathedral  (5) by Chris' Buet Wells Cathedral (5) by Chris' Buet
for square ST5545
The above photograph shows a view of an area of inside, Wells Cathedral. The... (more)
SK1109 : The interior of Lichfield Cathedral by Philip Halling The interior of Lichfield Cathedral by Philip Halling
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The nave of Lichfield Cathedral, the feature in the foreground is part of the... (more)
SJ3589 : Interior of Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral by Philip Halling
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The south aisle inside Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral.
SJ3589 : Interior of Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral by Philip Halling
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The north aisle in Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral.
SO5039 : Interior of Hereford Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Hereford Cathedral by Philip Halling
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In this view of the nave of Hereford Cathedral the Norman pillars are evidence... (more)
SU1429 : In the roof of Salisbury Cathedral by Philip Halling In the roof of Salisbury Cathedral by Philip Halling
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In the roof of Salisbury Cathedral, directly above the vaulted ceiling of the... (more)
SU4829 : The interior of Winchester Cathedral by Philip Halling The interior of Winchester Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View of the nave of Winchester Cathedral from the choir.
ST5872 : Ian Anderson at the Jethro Tull Christmas Show by Philip Halling Ian Anderson at the Jethro Tull Christmas Show by Philip Halling
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Ian Anderson of performing at Bristol Cathedral during the Jethro Tull Christmas... (more)
ST5872 : The Jethro Tull Christmas Show  by Philip Halling The Jethro Tull Christmas Show by Philip Halling
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Every year Ian Anderson, frontman of Jethro Tull since the late 1960s stages a... (more)
TL8564 : Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling Interior of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral by Philip Halling
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View along the nave to the crossing of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral.
Tags: subject:Cathedral Interior   type:InsideX   top:Religious SitesX  
SO8554 : Ian Anderson performing in Worcester Cathedral by Philip Halling Ian Anderson performing in Worcester Cathedral by Philip Halling
for square SO8554
Ian Anderson performing a Jethro Tull Christmas concert in Worcester Cathedral.... (more)
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