Queen's Quay (disused), Belfast - February 2018(2)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The disused part of Queen’s Quay looking towards Donegall Quay - Queen’s Bridge... (more)
Cushnahan Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
City Quays, Belfast - March 2018(1)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The view along the City Quays path at Donegall Quay. The Marriott hotel site is... (more)
City Quays, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3475
City Quays and Clarendon Dock in Belfast with the snow and cloud covered hills... (more)
Test boring, Queen's Quay, Belfast (June 2018)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
A drilling rig at the disused part of Queen’s Quay.
Queen's Quay (disused), Belfast - February 2018(4)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The disused part of the mainly-timber Queen’s Quay, close to the Queen’s Bridge.
Queen's Quay (disused), Belfast - February 2018(3)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The disused part of Queen’s Quay, from the Queen’s Bridge, looking towards the... (more)
Queen's Quay (disused), Belfast - February 2018(1)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The disused part of Queen’s Quay looking towards the Queen Elizabeth Bridge.
Fishermans Quay, Carrickfergus (2)
by Albert Bridge
for square J4287
Category: Quay
Falmouth Quays
by Chris Thomas-Atkin
geograph for square SW8132
The area of Quays accessed from Quay Street. In this area are King Charles Quay,... (more)
Cushnahan Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
The Victoria Channel from the south western edge of Cushnahan Quay in Belfast,... (more)
Cushnahan Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
The Victoria Channel from the southern edge of Cushnahan Quay in Belfast,... (more)
Fisherman's Quay, Carrickfergus (June 2014)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4287
Fisherman’s Quay on a warm and calm summer Sunday morning – a complete contrast... (more)
Barking Town Quay
by Geographer
geograph for square TQ4383
Category: Quay
This is called The Mill Pool the old mill at its edge.
The old granary, Barking... (more)
Businesses on The Quay, Poole
by Rod Grealish
for square SZ0190
The Quay is a busy tourist area. There are a range of public houses and eating... (more)
Eastern side of the South Quay
by Richard Law
geograph for square SW5537
The whole South Quay peninsula has been a dock and mooring for a long time, but... (more)
Queen's Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3474
Looking along Queen's Quay towards Belfast city centre. The Odyssey centre... (more)
Portland Bill stone loading quay, Portland Bill
by Jo and Steve Turner
geograph for square SY6768
The Red Crane is a fisherman's crane erected on a former stone loading quay... (more)
The old quay at Connah's Quay
by Mat Fascione
geograph for square SJ2969
Cushnahan Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
The Victoria Channel from the southern edge of Cushnahan Quay in Belfast,... (more)
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square SD5229
Looking upstream from the west end of the quay.
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square SD5229
Pssibly the remains of an old dockside crane at the west end of the quay.
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square SD5229
Possibly the remains of an old dockside crane at the west end of the quay.
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square SD5229
Benches and what is possibly the remains of an old dockside crane at the west... (more)
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
for square SD5229
One of the old mooring anchor points at the west end of the quay.
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
for square SD5229
One of the old mooring anchor points at the west end of the quay.
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
for square SD5229
Old mooring anchor points at the west end of the quay.
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square SD5229
Looking upstream, the gentle curve of the quay can be seen.
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square SD5229
Possibly remains of a crane at the quay.
New Diversion Quay
by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square SD5229
Remains of an old crane can be seen by the fence at the east end of the quay.
The Albert Quay, Belfast (March 2018)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3475
The Albert Quay, seen from Donegall Quay, with the trawler “Tahume” (UL666)... (more)
Queen's Quay, Belfast (February 1991)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Queen’s Quay and Station Street seen from the flyover. The Canberra Bar is on... (more)
Donegall Quay improvements, Belfast (May 2016)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The southern end Donegall Quay has seen many changes over the last ten years.... (more)
Mooring post, Donegall Quay, Belfast (July 2015)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Queen's Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
Queen's Quay on a bright February afternoon. The Odyssey complex is on the... (more)
Queen's Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
Queen's Quay on a bright but cold January afternoon. Plenty of walkers and... (more)
Cushnahan Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
Old wooden supports at Cushnahan Quay in Belfast, a relic of the former... (more)
Cushnahan Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
The old wall at Cushnahan Quay in Belfast, a relic of the former shipbuilding... (more)
Higher Town Quay
by Stephen McKay
geograph for square SV9315
This quay, also called New Quay to distinguish it from the old quay around... (more)
The original quay, Bryher, Scilly, 1976
by Martin Tester
geograph for square SV8814
This is the original quay, now known as Church Quay to distinguish it from Bar... (more)
Arrival at the Quay, Bryher, Scilly
by Martin Tester
for square SV8814
Looking across Quay Beach to what is now known as Church Quay to distinguish it... (more)
Queuing on the Quay, Bryher, Scilly
by Martin Tester
geograph for square SV8814
This is the original quay, now known as Church Quay to distinguish it from Bar... (more)
View from footbridge over the River Teifi, Cardigan towards Prince Charles Quay
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SN1745
The Prince Charles Quay is a public quay which was formally opened in July 2007.... (more)
Wareham Quay
by Malc McDonald
geograph for square SY9287
The quay on the bank of the River Frome in Wareham, in Dorset.
Two post-medieval quays
by David Lally
geograph for square SV8708
These quays are believed to have been built to land coal for the St Agnes... (more)
Albert Quay, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
Albert Quay in Belfast, a gloomy August afternoon.
Tugboats, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
SMS Towage tugs 'Masterman'... (more)
Quay cellars, the Quay, Exeter
by A J Paxton
geograph for square SX9292
The quay opened in 1830 and the cellars were excavated in the sandstone at... (more)
Remains of Palace Quay, Harkstead
by Simon Mortimer
geograph for square TM1933
The quay on the Stour estuary dates back to about 1900 and was in active use in... (more)
Orford Quay from the river
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TM4249
In the background one can just see Orford Castle peeping over the quay.