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Showing latest 50 of 354 images tagged with Swingbridge tag.

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ST5672 : Lights for the Plimsoll swingbridge by Stephen Craven Lights for the Plimsoll swingbridge by Stephen Craven
geograph for square ST5672
This is the A4 entering Bristol from the south over the river Avon. It... (more)
SJ5283 : Old Quay swingbridge, open by Christine Johnstone Old Quay swingbridge, open by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5283
For a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal. Unlike all the Warrington... (more)
SE6132 : Boat reversing through the open railway swingbridge, Selby by Christine Johnstone Boat reversing through the open railway swingbridge, Selby by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE6132
Local rules require boats to reverse through both Selby swingbridges when... (more)
Tags: subject:BridgeX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   Navigable RiverX   Open SwingbridgeX   river:OuseX   Railway Swing BridgeX   top:RailwaysX   place:SelbyX   bridge:Swing BridgeX   Swingbridge   Tidal RiverX   river ouse:YorkshireX  
SU6168 : Swingbridge fully open by Christine Johnstone Swingbridge fully open by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SU6168
Ufton swingbridge [no 25], seen from an eastbound narrowboat in the de-gated... (more)
SU3368 : Hungerford church and its swingbridge by Christine Johnstone Hungerford church and its swingbridge by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SU3368
Unlike SU3368 : Kennet and Avon Canal and SU3368 : Kennet and Avon canal by St. Lawrence's church the swingbridge is open to allow the... (more)
Tags: top:CanalsX   ChurchX   place:HungerfordX   canal:Kennet & AvonX   canal:Kennet and AvonX   Open SwingbridgeX   Swingbridge  
SO8405 : Western side of  Chestnut  Lane swingbridge, Stroud by Jaggery Western side of Chestnut Lane swingbridge, Stroud by Jaggery
geograph for square SO8405
Part of the base on which this swingbridge... (more)
TQ3679 : Hydaulic rams to the swingbridge by Steve Daniels Hydaulic rams to the swingbridge by Steve Daniels
geograph for square TQ3679
The swingbridge is over the entrance to Greenland Dock.
SJ9482 : Remains of swingbridge beneath Bridge 16, Hagg Bank by Dave Dunford Remains of swingbridge beneath Bridge 16, Hagg Bank by Dave Dunford
geograph for square SJ9482
Remains of a swingbridge on the Macclesfield Canal. The footpath over the... (more)
Tags: top:CanalsX   canal:Macclesfield CanalX   Swingbridge  
SU4966 : Closer view of the swingbridge by Bill Nicholls Closer view of the swingbridge by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU4966
Zoomed in shot of the Kennet and Bulls Lock Swingbridge
TQ0347 : An old swingbridge by Bill Nicholls An old swingbridge by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square TQ0347
This is the old swingbridge at Chilworth Gunpowder Mills, it connected with what... (more)
SU5766 : Woolhampton Swingbridge by Bill Nicholls Woolhampton Swingbridge by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU5766
View of Woolhampton swingbridge with the control box for the electronics to the right.
ST8160 : Bradford-on-Avon - Swingbridge by Chris Talbot Bradford-on-Avon - Swingbridge by Chris Talbot
geograph for square ST8160
This swingbridge is used to take heavy equipment over the canal
Tags: top:CanalsX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX   Swingbridge  
SJ7697 : Barton Swingbridge from Barton Swing Aqueduct by Christine Johnstone Barton Swingbridge from Barton Swing Aqueduct by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ7697
A boater's view.
SD4212 : Looking east towards New Lane Swingbridge [No 31] by Christine Johnstone Looking east towards New Lane Swingbridge [No 31] by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD4212
Here, the Leeds & Liverpool Canal has three swingbridges in about a kilometre.
SJ8997 : Copperas Lane Swingbridge from the east [1] by Christine Johnstone Copperas Lane Swingbridge from the east [1] by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ8997
No 15 on the Ashton Canal. Taken from the back of a narrowboat which is just... (more)
Tags: canal:Ashton CanalX   subject:BridgeX   Canal Swing BridgeX   top:CanalsX   Open SwingbridgeX   bridge:Swing BridgeX   Swingbridge  
SU6369 : Sulhamstead swingbridge [no 21] half closed by Christine Johnstone Sulhamstead swingbridge [no 21] half closed by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SU6369
Seen from the back of a narrowboat that has just passed through.
SU6369 : Sulhamstead swingbridge [no 21] starting to close by Christine Johnstone Sulhamstead swingbridge [no 21] starting to close by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SU6369
Seen from the back of a narrowboat that has just passed through.
SU6168 : Swingbridge almost open by Christine Johnstone Swingbridge almost open by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SU6168
Ufton swingbridge [no 25], seen from an eastbound narrowboat in the de-gated... (more)
SU0662 : Allington swingbridge [no 129] by Christine Johnstone Allington swingbridge [no 129] by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SU0662
Strangers out for a walk close the bridge for a boat that has just passed through.
Tags: top:CanalsX   canal:Kennet & AvonX   canal:Kennet and AvonX   Open SwingbridgeX   bridge:Swing BridgeX   Swingbridge  
SJ5183 : Manchester Ship Canal navigation beacon by Christine Johnstone Manchester Ship Canal navigation beacon by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5183
Immediately west of Old Quay swingbridge, which is just closing.
SJ5283 : Flashing lights on the road into Wigg Island by Christine Johnstone Flashing lights on the road into Wigg Island by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5283
Warning! Old Quay swingbridge is open for a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ5785 : Moore Lane swingbridge, closing by Christine Johnstone Moore Lane swingbridge, closing by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5785
Seen from a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ5785 : Moore Lane swingbridge, open, from the west by Christine Johnstone Moore Lane swingbridge, open, from the west by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5785
Having opened for a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ5785 : Moore Lane swingbridge, open, from the east by Christine Johnstone Moore Lane swingbridge, open, from the east by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5785
Ready for the passing of a westbound ship along the Manchester Ship Canal. The... (more)
SJ6086 : Chester Road swingbridge, closing [3] by Christine Johnstone Chester Road swingbridge, closing [3] by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6086
Having opened for a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6086 : Chester Road swingbridge, closing [2] by Christine Johnstone Chester Road swingbridge, closing [2] by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6086
Having opened for a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6086 : Chester Road swingbridge, closing [1] by Christine Johnstone Chester Road swingbridge, closing [1] by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6086
Having opened for a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6086 : Chester Road swingbridge, beginning to close by Christine Johnstone Chester Road swingbridge, beginning to close by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6086
Having opened for a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6086 : Chester Road swingbridge, open by Christine Johnstone Chester Road swingbridge, open by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6086
Having just been passed by a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6086 : Chester Road swingbridge and control box by Christine Johnstone Chester Road swingbridge and control box by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6086
Ready for a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6086 : Chester Road swingbridge, almost open by Christine Johnstone Chester Road swingbridge, almost open by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6086
Ready for a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6186 : London Road swingbridge half-closed by Christine Johnstone London Road swingbridge half-closed by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6186
After a westbound ship has passed along the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6186 : London Road swingbridge closing by Christine Johnstone London Road swingbridge closing by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6186
After a westbound ship has passed along the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6186 : London Road swingbridge starting to close by Christine Johnstone London Road swingbridge starting to close by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6186
After a westbound ship has passed along the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6186 : Passing the London Road swingbridge by Christine Johnstone Passing the London Road swingbridge by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6186
On a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6186 : London Road swingbridge open by Christine Johnstone London Road swingbridge open by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6186
For a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6186 : London Road swingbridge opening by Christine Johnstone London Road swingbridge opening by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6186
For a westbound ship on the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6286 : Knutsford Road swingbridge nearly closed by Christine Johnstone Knutsford Road swingbridge nearly closed by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6286
Having opened to let an eastbound ship pass along the Manchester Ship Canal.
SJ6286 : Knutsford Road swingbridge closing by Christine Johnstone Knutsford Road swingbridge closing by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6286
After a ship has passed westbound.
SJ6287 : Knutsford Road swingbridge by Christine Johnstone Knutsford Road swingbridge by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6287
Open to let a ship through.
SU4667 : Newbury - Swingbridge by Chris Talbot Newbury - Swingbridge by Chris Talbot
geograph for square SU4667
The swingbridge over the Kennet and Avon Canal.
SU5766 : Woolhampton Swingbridge by Bill Nicholls Woolhampton Swingbridge by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU5766
View of the swingbridge at Woolhampton.
SJ5378 : Sutton swingbridge, from the north-west by Christine Johnstone Sutton swingbridge, from the north-west by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5378
Carrying the A56 over the Weaver Navigation. Open to let the Daniel Adamson... (more)
Tags: road:A56X   subject:BridgeX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   bridge:Swing BridgeX   Swingbridge   Swingbridge Over CanalX   Weaver NavigationX  
SD3603 : Bell's Swingbridge [no 16] open for a boat by Christine Johnstone Bell's Swingbridge [no 16] open for a boat by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD3603
Carrying Bells Lane over the Leeds & Liverpool canal. The canal guide calls... (more)
SD5308 : Disused swingbridge and railway underbridge by Christine Johnstone Disused swingbridge and railway underbridge by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD5308
Fisher's swingbridge [no 45] on the Leeds & Liverpool canal is disused.... (more)
SD5208 : Ranicar's Swingbridge [no 44], from the north by Christine Johnstone Ranicar's Swingbridge [no 44], from the north by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD5208
Described as a 'turn bridge' on the 1845 large-scale OS map. These... (more)
SE7422 : South Dock Bridge, Goole, beginning to close by Christine Johnstone South Dock Bridge, Goole, beginning to close by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE7422
Looking west from Barge Dock to South Dock. The swingbridge carries Bridge... (more)
Tags: subject:BridgeX   top:Docks, HarboursX   type:GeographX   place:GooleX   Goole DocksX   Open SwingbridgeX   Port of GooleX   bridge:Swing BridgeX   Swingbridge  
SJ6076 : Acton swingbridge, from a boat small enough to go under by Christine Johnstone Acton swingbridge, from a boat small enough to go under by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6076
Carrying the A49 over the River Weaver. The bridge pivots on an island, on the... (more)
SE6813 : Thorne Lock swingbridge opening to let a boat through by Christine Johnstone Thorne Lock swingbridge opening to let a boat through by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE6813
Above the top gates of the lock. carrying a minor road called Lock Hill over the... (more)
SE7611 : Godnow swingbridge, open for a boat by Christine Johnstone Godnow swingbridge, open for a boat by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE7611
Carrying a minor road from Crowle over the Stainforth & Keadby Canal.... (more)
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