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Tag:  Trees·on·Field·Boundaries  

Showing latest 50 of 8,909 images tagged with Trees on Field Boundaries tag.

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SS4926 : Small field near Furze Ball by Derek Harper Small field near Furze Ball by Derek Harper
geograph for square SS4926
I've picked out the same field as Jonathan SS4926 : Small field near Webbery Cross, and almost exactly... (more)
SX8757 : Field boundary by Waddeton Road by Derek Harper Field boundary by Waddeton Road by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8757
A tree-lined field boundary that bends quite a lot; the further cluster of trees... (more)
SU0429 : Farmland around Pond Copse by Derek Harper Farmland around Pond Copse by Derek Harper
geograph for square SU0429
A view from access land on the chalk scarp overlooking the Nadder valley, with... (more)
SH5262 : Trees on field boundaries by Christine Johnstone Trees on field boundaries by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SH5262
North of Drwsddeugoed.
SD9552 : Trees along a former field boundary near the River Aire by Christine Johnstone Trees along a former field boundary near the River Aire by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD9552
Also a parish boundary. Seen from the open window of a southbound train on the... (more)
SK9023 : Trees on a field boundary, north of Crossway Farm by Christine Johnstone Trees on a field boundary, north of Crossway Farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK9023
To the east of Skillington Road.
SS9430 : Field at Redcross Farm by Derek Harper Field at Redcross Farm by Derek Harper
geograph for square SS9430
The field north of the one shown in SS9430 : Farmland, Lyncombe, with the farm on the left.... (more)
SE3614 : Trees along a field boundary, south of Haw Park by Christine Johnstone Trees along a field boundary, south of Haw Park by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3614
This field boundary is shown on the large-scale OS map surveyed in 1849-51, but... (more)
NZ1108 : Tree on a former field boundary, north of Dalton by Christine Johnstone Tree on a former field boundary, north of Dalton by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NZ1108
The zigzag hedge has been grubbed up fairly recently.
SK1816 : Trees along field boundaries, south of Efflinch by Christine Johnstone Trees along field boundaries, south of Efflinch by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK1816
On the north side of Dogshead Lane.
SK9029 : Tree on a field boundary, south of Ponton Heath Farm by Christine Johnstone Tree on a field boundary, south of Ponton Heath Farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK9029
Also at a 124 metre spot height.
SD4112 : Trees along a field boundary, east of Heaton's Bridge by Christine Johnstone Trees along a field boundary, east of Heaton's Bridge by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD4112
Watered by a drain. The field boundary is also a civil parish boundary -... (more)
SX6860 : Field with tree stumps near Gribblesdown by Derek Harper Field with tree stumps near Gribblesdown by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX6860
The remains of a field boundary can be seen halfway along this field, which... (more)
Tags: national park:DartmoorX   long distance path:Dartmoor WayX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   former:Field BoundaryX   type:GeographX   Grass FieldX   HedgesX   top:LowlandsX   Tree StumpsX   Trees on Field Boundaries  
SY5090 : Field by Bredy Lane by Derek Harper Field by Bredy Lane by Derek Harper
geograph for square SY5090
Looking left from where SY5090 : Field by Bredy Lane was taken. The field boundary on the left... (more)
SH8766 : Trees on a field boundary, near Rhan Hir Farm by Christine Johnstone Trees on a field boundary, near Rhan Hir Farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SH8766
The boundary runs south from the minor road that passes the farm.
SE2446 : Trees on Hugman Bank by Derek Harper Trees on Hugman Bank by Derek Harper
geograph for square SE2446
Footpath 15 76/12/1 climbs beside a field boundary and through a gateway.
SE1747 : Trees on a fenced field boundary, west of Mill Dam Beck by Christine Johnstone Trees on a fenced field boundary, west of Mill Dam Beck by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE1747
Looking north from the road between Askwith and Weston.
SK1509 : Field with two trees near Huddlesford by Stephen Craven Field with two trees near Huddlesford by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SK1509
Actually there are two such pairs of isolated trees in this field adjacent to... (more)
SD9353 : Trees on former field boundary,east of Gargrave Station by Christine Johnstone Trees on former field boundary,east of Gargrave Station by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD9353
Seen from the open window of a southbound train on the Settle Carlisle line.
SD9154 : Tree on a field boundary, south of the A65 by Christine Johnstone Tree on a field boundary, south of the A65 by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD9154
Seen from an open window on a southbound train, on the Settle Carlisle line.
NY6327 : Two trees on an old field boundary, south of Hag Wood by Christine Johnstone Two trees on an old field boundary, south of Hag Wood by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NY6327
Seen from the open window of a northbound train on the Settle Carlisle line.
SE4144 : Trees on a field boundary, Clifford Moor by Derek Harper Trees on a field boundary, Clifford Moor by Derek Harper
geograph for square SE4144
The trees follow a field boundary around a right-angled bend. They enclose the... (more)
SJ7963 : Trees along a field boundary by Christine Johnstone Trees along a field boundary by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ7963
East of the River Croco, near Illidge Green.
SJ5310 : Trees delineating old field boundary by TCExplorer Trees delineating old field boundary by TCExplorer
geograph for square SJ5310
A series of trees along the line of an old field boundary that once would have... (more)
Tags: type:GeographX   top:GrasslandX   top:LowlandsX   subject:TreeX   TreesX   Trees on Field Boundaries  
SU6536 : Tree on a former field boundary, Croom's Hill by Christine Johnstone Tree on a former field boundary, Croom's Hill by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SU6536
The boundary no longer exists beyond [north of] the tree.
SE9260 : Field boundary trees, Totter Hills, North Field by Christine Johnstone Field boundary trees, Totter Hills, North Field by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE9260
Growing by a small pond. 'Totter Hills' is the name given to this area... (more)
SE3847 : Trees along a field boundary, west of Westwood by Christine Johnstone Trees along a field boundary, west of Westwood by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3847
The same field boundary was shown on the large-scale OS map in 1900.
SX8970 : Field boundary near Haccombe by Derek Harper Field boundary near Haccombe by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8970
Hawthorns in blossom and a pine are the most prominent elements along this field... (more)
ST5210 : Broad River valley at Pendomer by Derek Harper Broad River valley at Pendomer by Derek Harper
geograph for square ST5210
Looking left from ST5110 : Broad River valley at Pendomer, with slight overlap. The river flows alongside... (more)
NZ4807 : Tree in a hedgerow, south of Holme Lane by Christine Johnstone Tree in a hedgerow, south of Holme Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NZ4807
This hedged field boundary is also a civil parish boundary - between Rudby [near... (more)
SS4015 : Eastacott Moor by Derek Harper Eastacott Moor by Derek Harper
geograph for square SS4015
Looking left from where SS4015 : Eastacott Moor was taken. In front of the wind turbine is... (more)
SE2967 : Trees along field boundary south of Bland Close by Derek Harper Trees along field boundary south of Bland Close by Derek Harper
geograph for square SE2967
Taken from the Ripon Rowel Walk following bridleway 15 82/4/1. The field... (more)
ST4807 : Field near Wood Dairy Farm by Derek Harper Field near Wood Dairy Farm by Derek Harper
geograph for square ST4807
Emerging on footpath W42 1 from the field boundary shown in ST4807 : Footpath near Wood Dairy Farm. In... (more)
SX8558 : Fields on slopes of Windmill Hill by Derek Harper Fields on slopes of Windmill Hill by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8558
Looking left from where SX8558 : Field below Windmill Hill was taken. The prominent field boundary... (more)
SK2308 : Trees on a former field boundary, west of Gorse Farm by Christine Johnstone Trees on a former field boundary, west of Gorse Farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK2308
Now in the middle of a very large ploughed field.
NZ1411 : Tree on a field boundary, north-west of Brancas Farm by Christine Johnstone Tree on a field boundary, north-west of Brancas Farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NZ1411
The nearer hedge forms part of the boundary between West Layton and East Layton... (more)
NZ1512 : Tree on a parish boundary north-east of New House by Christine Johnstone Tree on a parish boundary north-east of New House by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NZ1512
The field boundary is also the boundary between the civil parishes of East... (more)
SS7917 : Field, Wheadon Cross by Derek Harper Field, Wheadon Cross by Derek Harper
geograph for square SS7917
The base of the triangular field shown in SS7917 : Triangular field near Wheadon Cross, with trees and a... (more)
SE6325 : Tree on a former field boundary, east of Sandwith Lane by Christine Johnstone Tree on a former field boundary, east of Sandwith Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE6325
With Drax power station on the horizon.
ST5931 : Clump of trees, Lovington by Derek Harper Clump of trees, Lovington by Derek Harper
geograph for square ST5931
The little parcel of trees surrounds a pond. The field is crossed by two... (more)
SX2659 : Field boundary near Pensipple by Derek Harper Field boundary near Pensipple by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX2659
From the same spot as SX2659 : Field, Pensipple; the field boundary begins on the left of that image.
NZ4204 : Trees on field boundaries, west of Old Hill by Christine Johnstone Trees on field boundaries, west of Old Hill by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NZ4204
Looking east from the minor road.
SJ4660 : Parish and field boundary, south of Chester Road by Christine Johnstone Parish and field boundary, south of Chester Road by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ4660
This side of the tree, Hatton. The far side, Golborne Bellow.
TL1031 : Trees on the county boundary, north of Hexton by Christine Johnstone Trees on the county boundary, north of Hexton by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square TL1031
This side Hertfordshire, far side Bedfordshire.
SX7661 : Field above the Bidwell Brook by Derek Harper Field above the Bidwell Brook by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7661
The trees on the right are those in SX7661 : Field boundary above the Bidwell Brook; this is from the other side... (more)
SH4955 : Trees along a field boundary by Christine Johnstone Trees along a field boundary by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SH4955
On the west side of the Carmel - Rhosgadfan road.
SO3304 : Tree on a field boundary, north of Llan Lane by Christine Johnstone Tree on a field boundary, north of Llan Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO3304
The hedged field boundary is mapped, but not the fenced ones.
SO9667 : Field boundary with trees by Christine Johnstone Field boundary with trees by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO9667
On the north side of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal, east of Stoke Court.
SX8273 : Field boundary and trees near Staplehill by Derek Harper Field boundary and trees near Staplehill by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8273
Category: Field boundaries
From the same place as SX8273 : Staplehill Road, a view more to the left over a nearby field... (more)
NS6256 : Distant field boundary by Richard Sutcliffe Distant field boundary by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS6256
A combination of trees, fence and remains of a hedge on the horizon.
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