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Showing latest 50 of 396 images tagged with Wall with Railings tag.

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TF0207 : Railings, piers and steps to 1 Broad Street, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust Railings, piers and steps to 1 Broad Street, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TF0207
Early 18th century with delicately detailed wrought iron railings, Listed Grade... (more)
SE4644 : Wall and railings to The Rectory, Newton Kyme by Alan Murray-Rust Wall and railings to The Rectory, Newton Kyme by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SE4644
Late 18th century (1768), contemporary with the house... (more)
SE2636 : View over Abbey Road towards Kirkstall Abbey through railings on wall on SW side of Morris Lane by Roger Templeman View over Abbey Road towards Kirkstall Abbey through railings on wall on SW side of Morris Lane by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE2636
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SE2636 : Benchmark on wall on SW side of Morris Lane opposite #54 below the railings on top of... (more)
SK5639 : Railings and wall at Wellington Circus, Nottingham by Alan Murray-Rust Railings and wall at Wellington Circus, Nottingham by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK5639
Dating from the original development of the area c.1850, Listed Grade II.
NY4754 : Wall with railings dividing Clints Road and Sandy Lane by Roger Templeman Wall with railings dividing Clints Road and Sandy Lane by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY4754
There was/is? an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4754 : Close view of top of wall at junction of Clints Road with Sandy Lane on top of the wall at its near end
SK3871 : Churchyard railings, Chesterfield by Alan Murray-Rust Churchyard railings, Chesterfield by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3871
The original railings were removed during WW2 as part of the scrap metal drive... (more)
SK5640 : #58a/58 Forest Road West at Southey Street junction by Luke Shaw #58a/58 Forest Road West at Southey Street junction by Luke Shaw
geograph for square SK5640
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SK5640 : Benchmark on wall fronting #58/58a Forest Road West on the full height brick wall... (more)
SE2422 : Carlton Road wall with railings opposite Kirklees College by Luke Shaw Carlton Road wall with railings opposite Kirklees College by Luke Shaw
for square SE2422
There is an OS benchmark SE2422 : Benchmark on top of wall on SE side of Carlton Road on top of the wall about 2 feet left of the lamppost
ST6072 : Barton Hill School (closed), Queen Ann Road by Roger Templeman Barton Hill School (closed), Queen Ann Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square ST6072
There is an OS benchmark ST6072 : Benchmark on Queen Ann Road wall of Barton Hill School on the wall of the school behind the far... (more)
SK5445 : Wall with railings at Main Street / Highbury Road junction by Roger Templeman Wall with railings at Main Street / Highbury Road junction by Roger Templeman
for square SK5445
There is an OS benchmark SK5445 : Benchmark and gas pipe marker at north end Main Street on the wall left of the gas pipe marker
NS5474 : New house, new boundary by Richard Sutcliffe New house, new boundary by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS5474
The new house recently built on Craigdhu Road now has a wall with railings and... (more)
SK5640 : #1 Southey Street at Waterloo Promenade junction by Luke Shaw #1 Southey Street at Waterloo Promenade junction by Luke Shaw
geograph for square SK5640
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SK5640 : Benchmark on Southey Street wall at NE end of Waterloo Promenade on the third stone in the wall... (more)
SK6954 : Lodge and gates to Norwood Park, Halam Road, Southwell by Alan Murray-Rust Lodge and gates to Norwood Park, Halam Road, Southwell by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK6954
A substantial building, built c.1764, the architecture reflecting that of the... (more)
SD9927 : Stubbings Infant and Nursery School, School Street by Roger Templeman Stubbings Infant and Nursery School, School Street by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD9927
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SD9927 : Benchmark on Stubbings Infant and Nursery School on the right hand end of the... (more)
SK5903 : #15 St Peters Road at Avon Street junction by Phil Richards #15 St Peters Road at Avon Street junction by Phil Richards
geograph for square SK5903
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SK5903 : Benchmark on #15 St Peters Road (Avon Street face) below the Avon Street name... (more)
SP3379 : Entrance to Swanswell Park from Bird Street by Luke Shaw Entrance to Swanswell Park from Bird Street by Luke Shaw
geograph for square SP3379
There is an OS benchmark SP3379 : Benchmark on Swanswell Park wall on NE side of Bird Street on the stone wall left of the wall pier in... (more)
NY3856 : Steps from industrial road to path along Parham Beck by Roger Templeman Steps from industrial road to path along Parham Beck by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY3856
There is an Environment Agency benchmark NY3856 : Environment Agency benchmark on wall of steps from road to riverside path on top of the near end of... (more)
NY5131 : 'High Fold' and 'Oak Bank', Graham Street by Roger Templeman 'High Fold' and 'Oak Bank', Graham Street by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY5131
There is an OS benchmark NY5131 : Benchmark on wall pier outside 'High Fold', Graham Street on the left hand wall pier, left of the... (more)
SP3422 : Spelsburydown House by Roger Templeman Spelsburydown House by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SP3422
There is an OS benchmark SP3422 : Benchmark on wall pier outside Spelsburydown House on the wall pier left of the junction of... (more)
NY1381 : Boundary of Victoria Park by Richard Dorrell Boundary of Victoria Park by Richard Dorrell
geograph for square NY1381
Here, a brick wall with iron railings separates Victoria Park from a car park.... (more)
SK5902 : Stone wall beside University Road by Phil Richards Stone wall beside University Road by Phil Richards
geograph for square SK5902
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SK5903 : Benchmark on wall on southeast side of University Road on the wall about 1m past the... (more)
SE2933 : Junction of Park Lane and Hanover Square by Roger Templeman Junction of Park Lane and Hanover Square by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE2933
There is an OS benchmark SE2933 : Benchmark on wall pier of Park Lane on the wall pier below the right hand end... (more)
SD6592 : Highfield Villas on west side of Howgill Lane by Roger Templeman Highfield Villas on west side of Howgill Lane by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD6592
Ordnance Survey records indicate that a benchmark levelled at 138.108m above... (more)
SS9512 : Gotham House, Tiverton by Derek Harper Gotham House, Tiverton by Derek Harper
geograph for square SS9512
Grade II* listed "Large town house, now used as offices. Early C18,... (more)
NY4754 : Signpost, Great Corby by Adrian Taylor Signpost, Great Corby by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY4754
A traditional Cumberland County Council signpost at the junction of Sandy Lane... (more)
SE2434 : #2 Rosecliffe Mount by Roger Templeman #2 Rosecliffe Mount by Roger Templeman
for square SE2434
There is an OS benchmark SE2434 : Benchmark on #2 Rosecliffe Mount on the near corner, right hand face, of the... (more)
SE2931 : Hunslet Hall Social Care Area Office, Hunslet Hall Road by Roger Templeman Hunslet Hall Social Care Area Office, Hunslet Hall Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE2931
There is an OS benchmark SE2931 : Benchmark on Hunslet Hall Road wall on the wall under the railings in line with... (more)
NY4055 : Houses at junction of Spencer Street and Chiswick Street by Luke Shaw Houses at junction of Spencer Street and Chiswick Street by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY4055
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4055 : Benchmark on wall outside #1 Chiswick Street on the wall with railings at the corner
SE1534 : Green Lane Nursery School by Roger Templeman Green Lane Nursery School by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE1534
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SE1534 : Benchmark on wall in front of Green Lane Nursery School on the wall in front of the... (more)
SE2434 : Houses of Rosemont Grove at Rosemont Avenue junction by Roger Templeman Houses of Rosemont Grove at Rosemont Avenue junction by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE2434
There is an OS benchmark SE2434 : Benchmark on #2 Rosemont Grove on the near corner of the nearest house,... (more)
SE2434 : School on north side of Stanningley Road by Roger Templeman School on north side of Stanningley Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE2434
There is an OS benchmark SE2434 : Benchmark on wall on north side of Stanningley Road on the 2nd coping stone of the wall topped... (more)
SE2832 : Looking west along Copley Hill towards railway bridge by Roger Templeman Looking west along Copley Hill towards railway bridge by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE2832
There is an OS benchmark SE2832 : Benchmark on wall of Copley Hill on the wall near the right hand edge of the image
SP7840 : Independent Congregational Church, Wolverton Road by Roger Templeman Independent Congregational Church, Wolverton Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SP7840
There is an OS benchmark SP7840 : Weathered benchmark on Congregational Church wall pier on the brick wall pier right of the Chinese takeaway.
SU7272 : Radley Court, north side London Road by Roger Templeman Radley Court, north side London Road by Roger Templeman
for square SU7272
There is an OS benchmark SU7272 : Benchmark on wall outside Radley Court, London Road on the top of the low wall under railings... (more)
TQ2779 : Houses on Brompton Road by Roger Templeman Houses on Brompton Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TQ2779
There is an OS benchmark TQ2779 : Benchmark on wall of Brompton Road on top of the wall under the railings... (more)
SE1435 : Stone wall outside Sunday School, Wilmer Road by Roger Templeman Stone wall outside Sunday School, Wilmer Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE1435
There is an OS benchmark SE1435 : Benchmark on Wilmer Road wall on the high section of wall at its junction... (more)
SE2733 : Almshouses on north side of Church Road by Roger Templeman Almshouses on north side of Church Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE2733
There is an OS benchmark SE2733 : Benchmark on wall on north side of Church Road on the stone wall pier at the junction with... (more)
SD7442 : Minor road approaching railway bridge NE of Clitheroe Station by Luke Shaw Minor road approaching railway bridge NE of Clitheroe Station by Luke Shaw
geograph for square SD7442
The bridge has Network Rail identifier DJH/59
SS9512 : St Andrew's Street, Tiverton by Derek Harper St Andrew's Street, Tiverton by Derek Harper
geograph for square SS9512
On the immediate left is a former Bible Christian Chapel, shown in SS9512 : Mid Devon Christian Centre, St Andrew Street, Tiverton.... (more)
NY4654 : Entrance to Edenbank by Roger Templeman Entrance to Edenbank by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY4654
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4654 : Benchmark on wall pier at entrance to Edenbank on the wall pier to the left... (more)
NY4155 : Houses on Greystone Road at Jackson Street junction by Luke Shaw Houses on Greystone Road at Jackson Street junction by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY4155
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4155 : Benchmark on #103 Greystone Road on the right hand side of the... (more)
NY4055 : No. 41 Chiswick Street by Luke Shaw No. 41 Chiswick Street by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY4055
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4055 : Benchmark on wall in front of #41 Chiswick Street on top of the wall under... (more)
NY4055 : Houses at junction of Brunswick Street and Warwick Road by Roger Templeman Houses at junction of Brunswick Street and Warwick Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY4055
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4055 : Benchmark on wall at junction of roads on the curved wall under... (more)
SX9164 : Distancing lines, St James school by Derek Harper Distancing lines, St James school by Derek Harper
for square SX9164
Green lines and shoeprints on wall and pavement mark out two metre intervals for... (more)
SE1633 : Centre for Learning, Church Bank by Roger Templeman Centre for Learning, Church Bank by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE1633
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SE1633 : Benchmark on Centre for Learning, Church Bank on the corner stone at the... (more)
SP8690 : Electricity substation on north side of Shetland Way by Roger Templeman Electricity substation on north side of Shetland Way by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SP8690
In the car park of Lodge Park Sports Centre left of entrance to Lodge Park Academy
TL1898 : Junction of Thorpe Road and River Lane by Roger Templeman Junction of Thorpe Road and River Lane by Roger Templeman
geograph for square TL1898
There is an OS benchmark TL1898 : Benchmark on north side of River Lane at Thorpe Road junction on the low wall under the near end of the railings
TL1998 : Building work at junction leading to London Road over the Nene by Roger Templeman Building work at junction leading to London Road over the Nene by Roger Templeman
for square TL1998
There is an OS flush bracket benchmark TL1998 : Benchmark on wall abutting Bridge Street building at the base of the short wall... (more)
SU7273 : Junction of Eldon Road and London Road by Roger Templeman Junction of Eldon Road and London Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SU7273
The railing-topped wall encloses the Eldon Square (King George V Memorial) Garden
TA1028 : Nos. 105 and 107 Albert Gelder Street by Phil Richards Nos. 105 and 107 Albert Gelder Street by Phil Richards
geograph for square TA1028
There is an OS benchmark TA1028 : Benchmark on boundary wall of #105 Alfred Gelder Street on the roadside wall of the left hand house... (more)
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