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SX8547 : Reeds on the facade, Blackpool by Derek Harper Reeds on the facade, Blackpool by Derek Harper
for square SX8547
A closer look at the cottage wing of Blackpool House, also visible in... (more)
TL1698 : Holywell Ponds, Longthorpe by Paul Bryan Holywell Ponds, Longthorpe by Paul Bryan
geograph for square TL1698
Holywell Ponds, located in the Longthorpe area of Peterborough, are a series of... (more)
NT2320 : Water reeds at St Mary’s Loch by Walter Baxter Water reeds at St Mary’s Loch by Walter Baxter
geograph for square NT2320
This reed patch was viewed from the west side of the loch at Summerhope.
Tags: type:GeographX   top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX   Water Reeds  
SO8560 : Bridge 3, from the south by Christine Johnstone Bridge 3, from the south by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO8560
Almost hidden in the Droitwich Barge Canal's reeds.
SO9260 : A fringe of reeds along the canal bank by Christine Johnstone A fringe of reeds along the canal bank by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO9260
Possibly the start of anouther massive reed bed along the Worcester and Birmingham Canal.
SD4761 : Hitchin' a ride, Lancaster Canal by Karl and Ali Hitchin' a ride, Lancaster Canal by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD4761
Two ducks are heading north on a free-floating bed of water reeds as the breeze... (more)
SO9163 : Reeds along the Droitwich Junction Canal by Christine Johnstone Reeds along the Droitwich Junction Canal by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO9163
Just west of the entrance to Droitwich Marina.
SO9158 : Narrowing a narrow canal by Christine Johnstone Narrowing a narrow canal by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO9158
Reed beds on the 'off-side' on the Worcester and Birmingham Canal,... (more)
NT6578 : East Lothian Landscape : Roosevelt and Ira Lee by Richard West East Lothian Landscape : Roosevelt and Ira Lee by Richard West
geograph for square NT6578
I'm sure glad that water moccasins are not native to the Dunbar district,... (more)
Tags: type:GeographX   subject:LakeX   top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX   place:Seafield Pond West BarnsX   Water Reeds  
NT1699 : Sunset by Mary Rodgers Sunset by Mary Rodgers
geograph for square NT1699
Sun going down over Loch Leven.
SK6475 : The River Poulter by David Lally The River Poulter by David Lally
geograph for square SK6475
From the Hardwick ford footbridge
Tags: subject:FordX   type:GeographX   ReedsX   plant:ReedsX   river:River PoulterX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   Water Reeds  
SX8547 : Reeds on the facade, Blackpool by Derek Harper Reeds on the facade, Blackpool by Derek Harper
for square SX8547
An even closer look at the vertical reeds shown in SX8547 : Reeds on the facade, Blackpool... (more)
SD4041 : Water reed beside the Wyre by Barbara Carr Water reed beside the Wyre by Barbara Carr
for square SD4041
This photograph was taken on a still day: the plants show the effects of the... (more)
SD3583 : Reeds at Bigland Tarn by Karl and Ali Reeds at Bigland Tarn by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD3583
SO8963 : Pine trees alongside Westacre by Christine Johnstone Pine trees alongside Westacre by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO8963
On the north bank of the Droitwich Barge Canal, east of bridge 12. The towpath... (more)
SO8560 : Narrowboat threading through the reeds by Christine Johnstone Narrowboat threading through the reeds by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO8560
On the pound between Locks 3 and 4 on the Droitwich Barge Canal.
SO8560 : Lone tree in a field by Christine Johnstone Lone tree in a field by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO8560
On the west bank of the reed-fringed Droitwich Barge Canal.
SO8857 : Bridge 22, Tolladine Bridge, from the east by Christine Johnstone Bridge 22, Tolladine Bridge, from the east by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO8857
Carrying a track and a public footpath over the Worcester and Birmingham Canal.
SO9161 : A narrow canal further narrowed by Christine Johnstone A narrow canal further narrowed by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO9161
Reed growth along both banks of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal, north of Bridge 32.
ST5532 : River Brue at Tootle Bridge Farm by Nigel Mykura River Brue at Tootle Bridge Farm by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square ST5532
At this point the river's route has been heavily canalised and is called... (more)
SO8963 : Bridge 12, from the north by Christine Johnstone Bridge 12, from the north by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO8963
Carrying a public footpath and national cycle route 45 over the Droitwich Barge Canal.
SO8863 : Houses in Ledwych Road by Christine Johnstone Houses in Ledwych Road by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO8863
Seen from a narrowboat on the Droitwich Barge Canal.
SY4691 : River Brit by Nigel Mykura River Brit by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY4691
The river at this point is about halfway between Bridport and West Bay and it... (more)
SS4735 : Braunton Marsh Round Linhay by Nigel Mykura Braunton Marsh Round Linhay by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SS4735
The linhays or stone cattle shelters are one of the most distinctive features of... (more)
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