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Showing latest 50 of 93 images tagged with Waterlogged Ground tag.

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SJ4152 : Footpath to Holt by Jeff Buck Footpath to Holt by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SJ4152
Waterlogged ground near the River Dee south of Holt.
ST7315 : Waterlogged Fields at Cook's Lane Wood by Nigel Mykura Waterlogged Fields at Cook's Lane Wood by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square ST7315
These large water filled tractor ruts are in a low-lying field adjacent to a... (more)
ST7609 : Waterlogged Field near Hazelbury Bryan by Nigel Mykura Waterlogged Field near Hazelbury Bryan by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square ST7609
the recent prolonged lane has resulted in waterlogged fields even like this one... (more)
TQ2453 : Waterlogged track, near Lower Kingswood by Malc McDonald Waterlogged track, near Lower Kingswood by Malc McDonald
geograph for square TQ2453
A waterlogged track, with the village of Lower Kingswood visible in the... (more)
Tags: rights of way:BridlewayX   BridlewayX   subject:BridlewayX   top:Flat LandscapesX   type:GeographX   near:KingswoodX   near:Lower KingswoodX   top:PathsX   Public BridlewayX   near:ReigateX   county:SurreyX   near:TadworthX   subject:TrackX   WaterloggedX   Waterlogged Ground   Waterlogged LandX   Waterlogged PathX  
SY8896 : Waterlogged Field near Botany Bay Farm by Nigel Mykura Waterlogged Field near Botany Bay Farm by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY8896
The lower portion of this wheat field had been saturated with ground water lying... (more)
SJ3959 : Waterlogged farmland near Poulton by Jeff Buck Waterlogged farmland near Poulton by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SJ3959
Waterlogged land at Poulton Hall Farm.
SY8786 : Waterlogged Field by Nigel Mykura Waterlogged Field by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY8786
This waterlogged field is sandwiched in between the Dorchester to Wareham... (more)
ST1588 : Waterlogged ground near Asda, Caerphilly by Jaggery Waterlogged ground near Asda, Caerphilly by Jaggery
geograph for square ST1588
A small pond has formed near the path from Lewis Drive to Asda... (more)
SY8895 : Muddy Track to Waterley Wood by Nigel Mykura Muddy Track to Waterley Wood by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY8895
Both the track and the adjacent field were much churned up by farm vehicles... (more)
SE5659 : Waterlogged field, north side of Corban Lane by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged field, north side of Corban Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5659
Rising from 15 to 16 metres above sea level.
SE5559 : Waterlogged field, north-east of Shipton by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged field, north-east of Shipton by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5559
After a very wet winter and some rainy days.
SE5460 : Waterlogged field, east of Belmont by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged field, east of Belmont by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5460
After a very wet winter and a few rainy days.
SE5460 : Waterlogged farmland, north of Shipton Grange by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged farmland, north of Shipton Grange by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5460
On the north side of Chapman's Lane. After a very wet winter and some rainy days.
SJ4152 : Waterlogged corner of a field by Jeff Buck Waterlogged corner of a field by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SJ4152
The waterlogged corner of a field near Holt. The reflection of an old gate in... (more)
Tags: top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   place:HoltX   country:WalesX   WaterloggedX   Waterlogged Ground   county:WrexhamX  
SY8685 : Horse Paddocks at Baylea Farm by Nigel Mykura Horse Paddocks at Baylea Farm by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY8685
AS with much of the heathland at present this paddock was waterlogged due to... (more)
SY8693 : Fields at Lower Woodbury by Nigel Mykura Fields at Lower Woodbury by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY8693
View south east across waterlogged fields towards the northern edge of Wareham Forest.
ST7910 : Oke Apple House by Nigel Mykura Oke Apple House by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square ST7910
This large house stands on its own in landscaped gardens including a decorative... (more)
SJ4152 : Path to the River Dee by Jeff Buck Path to the River Dee by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SJ4152
Waterlogged path near the River Dee to the south of Holt.
Tags: place:HoltX   subject:PathX   PathX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   country:WalesX   Waterlogged FarmlandX   Waterlogged Ground   Waterlogged LandX   county:WrexhamX  
NZ1329 : Waterlogged ground of field above Linburn Beck by Trevor Littlewood Waterlogged ground of field above Linburn Beck by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ1329
Following a lengthy cool spell with high rainfall, even in late July the ground... (more)
NY2009 : Two large boulders on waterlogged ground by Trevor Littlewood Two large boulders on waterlogged ground by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NY2009
Lingmell Beck flows beyond the dry stone wall. The ground with the boulders is... (more)
SE6552 : Trough on waterlogged ground, north of Murton by Christine Johnstone Trough on waterlogged ground, north of Murton by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE6552
Presumably the flooded ground has been trodden down by cattle.
SJ9486 : Waterlogged land and fallen tree near Holly Farm by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged land and fallen tree near Holly Farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ9486
The dark shape is the exposed root plate of the fallen tree. The flooded land is... (more)
NY9922 : Waterlogged land just below the summit of Crosset Hill by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged land just below the summit of Crosset Hill by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NY9922
On the western edge of Romaldkirk, after weeks of rain.
NY7063 : Waterlogged land near Bellister Haugh by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged land near Bellister Haugh by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NY7063
On the south bank of the River South Tyne. Ten days after Storm Ciara and two... (more)
Tags: subject:FieldX   type:GeographX   top:LowlandsX   Waterlogged FieldsX   Waterlogged Ground  
NX9556 : Waterlogged cattle pasture, east of Cowcorse by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged cattle pasture, east of Cowcorse by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NX9556
On the horizon is Torrorie Young Wood.
SO8785 : Waterlogged farmland near Newtown Bridge by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged farmland near Newtown Bridge by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO8785
On the south bank of the Stourbridge Canal.
SE5659 : Partially flooded stubble field, north of Corban Lane by Christine Johnstone Partially flooded stubble field, north of Corban Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5659
After a very wet winter and a few days of rain.
SE5659 : Partially flooded field, west of North Hall Moor by Christine Johnstone Partially flooded field, west of North Hall Moor by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5659
After a very wet winter and a few rainy days.
SE5261 : Trees along a field boundary, north of Ember Hill farm by Christine Johnstone Trees along a field boundary, north of Ember Hill farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5261
Much of the land is waterlogged after a very wet winter and a few rainy days.
SE5261 : Fields south-east of Fir Tree and Beechwood Farms by Christine Johnstone Fields south-east of Fir Tree and Beechwood Farms by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5261
Waterlogged after a very wet winter and a few rainy days.
SE5262 : North-west boundary, field of oil seed rape by Christine Johnstone North-west boundary, field of oil seed rape by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5262
On the north-east side of High Moor Lane. Going yellow earlier this year it... (more)
SE5262 : Entrance to a field of oilseed rape, High Moor Lane by Christine Johnstone Entrance to a field of oilseed rape, High Moor Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5262
Looking south-east towards the distant Beechwood Farm.
TQ0350 : Waterlogged grassland by Alan Hunt Waterlogged grassland by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0350
The rains may have stopped but the low lying fields are still waterlogged, here... (more)
SU0702 : Boggy Fields at West Moors by Nigel Mykura Boggy Fields at West Moors by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SU0702
West Moors and Ferndown are separated by the Uddens Water, the A31 Ferndown... (more)
SY8586 : Field gate near Bindon Abbey by Nigel Mykura Field gate near Bindon Abbey by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY8586
This brand new gate had been installed at the very wet entrance to a pasture... (more)
SY8693 : Fields at Lower Woodbury by Nigel Mykura Fields at Lower Woodbury by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY8693
These wheat fields were still waterlogged from the heavy rain of recent months.... (more)
SY8694 : Oak Coppice, Bere Woods by Nigel Mykura Oak Coppice, Bere Woods by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SY8694
Bere Woods lies mainly to the east of Woodbury Hill an ancient iron age hill... (more)
SP2278 : Living up to its Name by Nigel Mykura Living up to its Name by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SP2278
This field is on Bradnock's Marsh Lane between Bradnock's Marsh and... (more)
SP0709 : Waterlogged Field by Nigel Mykura Waterlogged Field by Nigel Mykura
geograph for square SP0709
The heavy rain of recent months had resulted in waterlogged fields and large... (more)
SU2911 : Waterlogged ground beside Brockishill Road by David Martin Waterlogged ground beside Brockishill Road by David Martin
geograph for square SU2911
Every dip and channel and the forest is brimming after a night of heavy rain... (more)
SU4618 : Waterlogged ground south of Fair Oak Road by David Martin Waterlogged ground south of Fair Oak Road by David Martin
geograph for square SU4618
SK0696 : Line of grouse butts above Clough Edge by Bill Boaden Line of grouse butts above Clough Edge by Bill Boaden
geograph for square SK0696
This demonstrates the waterlogged state of the ground. The valley beyond is Longdendale.
SU3308 : Waterlogged ground on Matley Heath by David Martin Waterlogged ground on Matley Heath by David Martin
geograph for square SU3308
TQ4375 : Waterlogged ground by Stephen Craven Waterlogged ground by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TQ4375
Looking away from the Long Pond in Eltham Park North.
SU2004 : Waterlogged ground beside Forest Road by David Martin Waterlogged ground beside Forest Road by David Martin
geograph for square SU2004
NY3139 : Bridleway near Ratten Row by Adrian Taylor Bridleway near Ratten Row by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3139
This is the public bridleway from Caldbeck to Brownrigg. The gate on the left... (more)
SX9268 : Overflow car park, Maidencombe by Derek Harper Overflow car park, Maidencombe by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9268
Overflowing with water at this end, with waterlogged ground.
NZ1760 : Waterlogged field near to Low Thornley by Trevor Littlewood Waterlogged field near to Low Thornley by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ1760
The buildings at Low Thornley can be seen through trees. Ahead, beyond the... (more)
SX9265 : Waterlogged ground, Tessier Gardens by Derek Harper Waterlogged ground, Tessier Gardens by Derek Harper
for square SX9265
Another reminder of how wet it has been this spring. "“Devon had its fourth... (more)
NZ1052 : Waterlogged land off Queen's Road by Christine Johnstone Waterlogged land off Queen's Road by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NZ1052
Along the former route of a railway between the Tyne valley and Consett. The... (more)
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